News & Notes
Purdue University Holiday Dinner Bags will be assembled at the beginning of December. These fun dinner bags will consist of pasta noodles, spaghetti sauce, canned fruit, canned vegetable, and brownie mix. Donations can be put on a designated table in the Parish Hall by Sunday, December 8th, sorry for the late notice.
Advent Lunch and Devotion will be held on December 4th, 11th and 18th with lunch from 12:00 to 12:30 p.m. and devotion following.
There is a signup sheet on the table by the water fountain if you are able to provide a dessert during Advent.
Poinsettias – All orders for Poinsettias must be received by next Sunday, December 8th. You may request either a red or white poinsettia to Praise God or to Celebrate the Birth of our Lord and Savior or in memory of a loved one, to commemorate a special date or in honor of someone or thing. Poinsettias will cost $15.00 this year. The forms are hanging up by the by the flower chart in the Parish Hall. Please place your request and $$ in the black basket by the flower chart envelope or give it to Nancy Mihich or e-mail her at
Memorial Bricks - Trinity has had few interested in purchasing Memorial Bricks to be placed in the Memorial Garden here at Trinity. There will be a second order sent into order bricks. If you are interested, please contact that office to fill out an order form for the brick. The cost for each brick will be $60.00. This includes the shipping of the bricks to Trinity. Call Mary in the office if you are interested (219) 932-4660.
Help us Decorate for Christmas on Sunday, December 8 at 11:30 a.m. Social Ministry TeamNews & Notes
Purdue University Holiday Dinner Bags will be assembled at the beginning of December. These fun dinner bags will consist of pasta noodles, spaghetti sauce, canned fruit, canned vegetable, and brownie mix. Donations can be put on a designated table in the Parish Hall by Sunday, December 8th, sorry for the late notice.
Advent Lunch and Devotion will be held on December 4th, 11th and 18th with lunch from 12:00 to 12:30 p.m. and devotion following.
There is a signup sheet on the table by the water fountain if you are able to provide a dessert during Advent.
Poinsettias – All orders for Poinsettias must be received by next Sunday, December 8th. You may request either a red or white poinsettia to Praise God or to Celebrate the Birth of our Lord and Savior or in memory of a loved one, to commemorate a special date or in honor of someone or thing. Poinsettias will cost $15.00 this year. The forms are hanging up by the by the flower chart in the Parish Hall. Please place your request and $$ in the black basket by the flower chart envelope or give it to Nancy Mihich or e-mail her at
Memorial Bricks - Trinity has had few interested in purchasing Memorial Bricks to be placed in the Memorial Garden here at Trinity. There will be a second order sent into order bricks. If you are interested, please contact that office to fill out an order form for the brick. The cost for each brick will be $60.00. This includes the shipping of the bricks to Trinity. Call Mary in the office if you are interested (219) 932-4660.
Help us Decorate for Christmas on Sunday, December 8 at 11:30 a.m. Social Ministry Team will be decorating the church. Please stay and help.
The 2025 Flower Calendar - has been posted. Please check to see if your dates are correct. There are several vases in need of a sponsor. Please pick a vase to sponsor and either speak with Nancy Mihich, 219-688-7977 or , or fill out the form by the calendar. Thank You for so generously beautifying our altar every Sunday!